Case Study: The Grand Pavilion for Rehabilitation & Nursing in Rockville Centre (Q4 2023)

Concierge Name: Manny Linares
Patient Name: Charles Anderson
Patient Age: 60 years
Admission Date: 9/6/2023
Admitted From: Franklin Hospital Medical Center – Northwell LIJ Valley Stream
Discharge Date: 10/30/2023
Discharged To: Home
Length of Stay: 54 Days
Reason for Stay: Rehabilitation Post-Amputation
How did this patient hear about The Grand Pavilion? Through research, what was available through insurance, services available, location, and Google reviews.

Details of Experience:

Mr. Anderson is a determined 60-year-old gentleman whose energy betrays his condition. After a successful surgery at Franklin Hospital Medical Center at Long Island Jewish in Valley Stream with Dr. Jennifer Chang, he arrived at The Grand Pavilion, where he was greeted by his Concierge team, Manny Linares and Jacob Gross, along with the Administrator, Yiddy Eisen. It turns out Mr. Anderson and Mr. Linares had worked during the same time at Fordham University, though their paths did not cross, to their recollection. Mr. Anderson was extremely pleasant and driven to jumpstart his healing journey.

Unfortunately, after many years of battling with diabetes, Mr. Anderson had to have a below-the-knee amputation of his left leg and trans metatarsal amputation of the right foot. After this life-altering surgery, he had to decide where he would rehabilitate. He researched extensively before deciding that The Grand Pavilion would be the best place. The many positive experiences on Google led him to believe he’d be comfortable during his stay. The dedicated Amputee Program assured him he would receive high-quality training geared specifically to his condition. He was confident this was the best place to get him up and walking again.

During his stay at The Grand Pavilion, Mr. Anderson maintained a firm positivity and was confident that nothing would deter his progress. He even removed his television; he wanted nothing to distract him from his progress. He focused on reading and meditation to promote healing while not in restorative, occupational, or physical therapy, and he always welcomed an intellectually stimulating conversation. His positivity was infectious, and he engaged with everyone drawn to his smile.

With the support of our phenomenal rehab team, in conjunction with our Amputee Walking School Program, led by Paralympic Gold Medalists Todd Schaffhauser and Dennis Oehler (see our program under Specialty Programs), Mr. Anderson progressed towards his ambitious goal of having the same level of function prior to amputation; he was determined not to allow this event to define the rest of his life. Within three weeks of admission, Mr. Anderson had his staples removed and continued to heal rapidly. Within six weeks of admission, Mr. Anderson quickly progressed with restorative therapy and could ambulate 125 feet safely with a rolling walker. His mobility and self-care scores doubled throughout his stay with Mr. Anderson, achieving complete independence in certain areas, including all his self-care metrics. By the end of his stay, he received a prosthetic leg and was ready to go home.

He is very grateful for his time at The Grand Pavilion and for making great connections with his aides, therapists, and all he engaged with, contributing factors to his healing journey. The social work team ensured everything was in place for a safe discharge home. Mr. Anderson, a father of six, returned home to his wife and returned to work in the office within a week of discharge!