Case Study: The Grand Pavilion for Rehabilitation & Nursing (July 2021)

Director Concierge: David Hersko
Patients Age: 91 years old
Admission Date: 06/24/2021
Admitted From: North Shore University Hospital
Discharge Date: 08/04/2021
Discharged To: ALF ( Assisted living facility)
Length of Stay: 6 weeks
Reason for Stay: Left Pelvic Fracture, due to fall.
How did this patient hear about The Grand Pavilion for Rehabilitation & Nursing? The SW at the hospital highly recommended us

Details of Experience:
Due to a fall, Mrs. Frieda Montelione was admitted to NSUH on Tuesday, June 22, 2021, and fractured her left Pelvic. The patient mentioned she tried to pick up a vitamin from the floor and fell. She was then admitted to The Grand Pavilion on Thursday, June 24. Upon her arrival to The Grand Pavilion, Mrs. Montelione was welcomed and made comfortable by members of The Grand Pavilion, including the concierge, nursing, rehab, and social work teams.

The patient was greeted and evaluated by the dedicated therapy team, where it was determined that Mrs. Montelione was in need of intense physical and occupational therapy. Due to her fall, the patient had decreased performance with ADLs (activities of daily living). Mrs.Montelione presented with decreased ROM (range of motion exercise,) decreased strength, decreased endurance, impaired functional mobility. It was the staff’s pleasure to work alongside this determined, self-motivated patient who strived to reach her goals, all this with the support of her loving family.

 As she worked very hard to reach her goals, it was to no one’s surprise that she was enjoying great progress. After a short time working consistently with her therapists, she is able to ambulate independently, as a sign of progress; the therapist’s discontinued the use of her wheelchair and provided her with a rolling walker to ambulate.

 As Mrs. Montelione worked diligently, it was wonderful to share her progress. The patient rated us a 10/10 and very much appreciated all the staff that cared for her and went out of her way to thank the Nurses and Aides for always going above and beyond, and taking care of her, and for always looking out for her. She then went on and thanked the therapists, Michael and Miriam, for working so well with her. Mrs. Montelione stated, “Miriam is a sweetheart.” The Grand Pavilion is delighted that she returned home safely on August 4. 

The Grand Pavilion team sends well wishes and continued health prayers for Mrs. Frieda Montelione. She is proud of the challenges she conquered and her goals.