Case Study: The Grand Pavilion for Rehabilitation & Nursing (September 2020)

Patient’s Age: 78-years-old
Patient’s Name: Mary B.
Admission Date: 08/14/2020
Admitted From: Mercy Medical Center
Discharge Date: 10/01/2020
Discharge to: Home
Length-of-stay: 48 days
Reason for Stay: Left Hip injury
How did this patient hear about The Grand Pavilion: Mary attended a Heart Health event at The Grand Pavilion.

Details of Experience:

Mary B. was a patient at Mercy Medical Center due to a left hip injury as well as generalized muscle weakness and difficulty walking. While preparing for discharge, Mary remembered the Heart Health event she attended at The Grand Pavilion for Rehabilitation and Nursing at Rockville Centre in February 2020 and decided to admit to the community. Upon her arrival to the community on August 14th, Mary was welcomed and made comfortable by members of our clinical team including: Concierge, Nursing, Rehabilitation and Social Work.

Mary was greeted and evaluated by our rehabilitation team which determined she was in the need of intense physical and occupational therapy. Mary had decreased performance with Activities of Daily Living (ADL) and was not able to ambulate safely. The team was honored to work alongside this determined, self-motivated patient. Mary worked diligently with her team, increasing her balance, strength, and length of ambulation every week. No matter how challenged she was, Mary always maintained her focus on her goals.

As she prepared to go home, Mary rated her stay as a 10 out of 10. She shared “The Rehabilitation team was very good… I had Katelyn and Olga; it was excellent.” In addition, she had high praise for her nursing team. Mary thanked her CNAs Joyce and Elizabeth “for always taking care of her needs and making her feel comfortable.” 

The team at The Grand Pavilion for Rehabilitation and Nursing at Rockville Centre was delighted Mary is returning home safely and wishes her well on her continued journey.