Spirit Week began with all of our staff and our residents wearing their favorite team shirts. During our senior Olympics, Residents and Staff participated in this fun filled day of sports!
Staff even opened the ceremony with a game of tug of war. Our Open House was a day of Relaxation and Beauty for our larger community, consisting of mini-manis, reiki, and massage therapy. On Wednesday, we hosted a luncheon for all staff. A Caribbean fare was feasted on by all. A DJ also made us move and awesome raffle prizes made us jump! The entire Grand Pavilion community also came together to paint a Grand mural to display in our lobby for all visitors, staff, and family members to view and admire. We are ended our Spirit Week with a treat for everyone- Mr. Softee soft served ice cream was offered for all staff, visitors, families and residents of The Grand Pavilion.
Click below for a snapshot of National Nursing Home Week 2015 throughout our CareRite Network. ReNEWal Happens Here!