Case Study: The Grand Pavilion for Rehabilitation & Nursing in Rockville Centre (December 2021)

Director of Concierge: Jordan Soban
Patient Age: 89 years
Admission Date: 12/13/2021
Admitted From: Mount Sinai – South Nassau
Discharge Date: 01/04/2022
Length of Stay: 22 days
Reason for Stay: Inability to walk after a fall and associated back pain
How did this patient hear about The Grand Pavilion? Hospital Social Worker

Details of Experience:

Ms. Helen Rosalie is a delightful 89-year-old woman who was first admitted to The Grand Pavilion for Rehabilitation and Nursing from Mount Sinai – South Nassau in mid-December. Ms. Rosalie was admitted to the hospital for a fall, and associated lower back pain prevented her from ambulating. Upon discharge from the hospital, Ms. Rosalie and her family selected The Grand Pavilion to continue treatment of her preexisting medical issues and get back to walking with minimal assistance.

Within 24 hours of arrival at The Grand Pavilion, Ms. Rosalie was greeted by staff members from nearly every department, including nursing, physicians, therapists, and dieticians. Helen quickly adjusted to life on the 2 West Unit and developed a friendship with her roommate Frances. Her physical therapist, Marvin, and her occupational therapist, Christine, worked together to develop a comprehensive therapy plan that would allow her to meet her goals. Ms. Rosalie arrived at The Grand Pavilion requiring minimum assistance with mobility-related tasks, trouble with balance, unable to ambulate on stairs, and the ability to walk only 20 feet at a time. She also required moderate levels of assistance with several Activities of Daily Living (ADLs).

During the first week of her stay, Helen made steady progress and was able to have regular visits with her family, which created a positive support system for her. Helen made significant progress in physical therapy, improving her balance and ability to do mobility-related tasks, and doubling her ambulation distance.
Helen continued to excel and brighten everyone throughout her second week at The Grand Pavilion with her positive attitude. She made significant progress in occupational therapy, requiring little to no assistance with her ADLs. She made significant improvements in physical therapy and was able to walk more than 150 feet, nearly 8x her baseline.

As of early January, as a result of her progress, the staff at The Grand Pavilion determined that Helen would be able to return to the community safely.

The team of the Grand Pavilion wishes Helen well in continuing on her journey towards better health.

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Case Study: The Grand Pavilion for Rehabilitation & Nursing in Rockville Centre (November 2021)

Director of Concierge: Jordan Soban
Patient age: 95 years
Admission date: 10/19/2021
Admitted from: LIJ – Valley Stream
Discharge Date: 12/14/2021
Length of stay: 56 days
Reason for stay: Fracture of lumbar spine/lower back pain
How did this patient hear about The Grand Pavilion? Hospital Social Worker

Details of Experience:

Ms. Florence Cuccias is a lively 95-year-old woman who was first admitted to The Grand Pavilion for Rehabilitation and Nursing in mid-October from LIJ – Valley Stream. Ms. Cuccias was admitted to the hospital for a lumbar spine fracture and associated lower back pain. Upon discharge from the hospital, Ms. Cuccias and her family selected The Grand Pavilion to continue treatment of her medical issues and return to walking with minimal assistance.

Within 24 hours of arrival at The Grand Pavilion, Ms. Cuccias was greeted by staff members from nearly every department, including nursing, physicians, therapists, and dieticians. Florence immediately positively impacted the 3 West Unit, as her bright smile and positive attitude were evident from the start. Her physical therapist, Michael, and her occupational therapist, Christine, worked together to develop a comprehensive therapy plan that would allow her to meet her goals. Ms. Cuccias arrived at The Grand Pavilion requiring minimum assistance with mobility-related tasks, trouble standing for prolonged periods, unable to ambulate on stairs, and the ability to walk only 50 feet at a time. She also required significant assistance with several Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) and could not participate in many ADLs, requiring complete assistance.

During the first month of her stay, Florence made steady progress and was able to have regular visits with her brother, which created a positive support system for her. Florence made significant progress in physical therapy, improving her balance and ability to stand and increasing her ambulation.

Throughout her second month at The Grand Pavilion, Florence continued to excel and brighten everyone on the third floor. She made significant progress in occupational therapy, requiring much less assistance with her ADLs. While still requiring assistance, Florence is now able to participate in all ADLs actively. She made significant improvements in physical therapy and was able to walk more than 100 feet, doubling her baseline and walking up a series of steps. As of mid-December, as a result of her progress, the staff at The Grand Pavilion determined that Florence would be able to return to the community safely.

The social work department at The Grand Pavilion arranged for Florence to transition to an assisted living community nearby. Upon discharge, Florence stated that while she greatly enjoyed her time here at The Grand Pavilion, she hoped that she would not require our rehab services again for a long while.

The staff at The Grand Pavilion will miss the positivity and humor that Ms. Cuccias brought to the community daily but are thrilled that she made such significant progress during her stay here and wishes her a happy and healthy remainder of 2021.

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Case Study: The Grand Pavilion for Rehabilitation & Nursing in Rockville Centre (October 2021)

Director Concierge: Jordan Sobon
Patient age: 69 years old
Admission Date: 07/29/2021, readmission 09/06/2021
Admitted From: NYU Langone – Long Island
Discharge Date: 10/22/2021
Length of Stay: 85 days
Reason for Stay: Shortness of breath, sepsis, chronic back pain, swelling of legs
How did this patient hear about The Grand Pavilion? Hospital Social Worker

Details of Experience:

Michael Scotto is a vibrant 69-year-old man who was first admitted to The Grand Pavilion for Rehabilitation and Nursing at the end of July from NYU Langone – Long Island. Mr. Scotto was admitted to the hospital for shortness of breath and swelling in his lower extremities. While in the hospital, Mr. Scotto also developed sepsis. Michael and his family selected The Grand Pavilion to continue treating his medical issues and get back to walking with minimal assistance upon discharge from the hospital.

Within 24 hours of arrival at The Grand Pavilion, Mr. Scotto was greeted by a wide array of staff members from various departments, including nursing, physicians, therapists, and dieticians. His physical therapist, Michael, and his occupational therapist, Rebecca, worked together to develop a comprehensive therapy plan that would allow him to meet his goals. Mr. Scotto arrived at The Grand Pavilion requiring moderate assistance with mobility-related tasks, trouble with balance, and the ability to walk only 20 feet at a time. He also required significant assistance with most Activities of Daily Living (ADLs).

During the first month of his stay, Mr. Scotto made steady progress, though he expressed frustration that he missed time and events. The staff at The Grand Pavilion was able to make arrangements for him to attend his daughter’s wedding at the end of August, which greatly improved his mood. Unfortunately, at the beginning of September, Mr. Scotto was readmitted to the hospital for a blood transfusion. Thankfully, he returned to The Grand Pavilion a few days later to resume his therapy.

After his readmission to The Grand Pavilion, Mr. Scotto demonstrated a renewed determination to work hard to get home. He made significant progress with occupational therapy, no longer requiring any assistance with his ADLs. He made significant improvements in his balance and was able to walk more than 200 feet and walk up a series of steps. At the end of October, as a result of his significant progress, the staff at The Grand Pavilion determined that Mr. Scotto would be able to return home safely.

Mr. Scotto stated upon discharge that while he was excited to be going home to his wife, he would miss his roommate Robert, with whom he developed a close friendship. The social work department at The Grand Pavilion arranged for Mr. Scotto to receive follow-up support services from NYU Langone Home Care to aid in his transition back home.

The staff at The Grand Pavilion will miss the positivity and humor that Mr. Scotto brought to the community but are thrilled that he made such significant progress during his stay here and wishes him a happy and healthy remainder of 2021.


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Case Study: The Grand Pavilion for Rehabilitation & Nursing in Rockville Centre (September 2021)

Director of Concierge: Jordan Soban
Patient age: 80 years
Admission date: 09/10/2021
Admitted from: Mount Sinai South Nassau
Discharge Date: 09/29/2021
Length of stay: 19 days
How did this patient hear about The Grand Pavilion? Hospital Social Worker
Reason for Stay: Fractured Vertebrae

Details of Experience:

On September 9th, 2021, Ms. Jean Adams arrived at The Grand Pavilion for Rehabilitation and Nursing in Rockville Centre from Mount Sinai-South Nassau Hospital. Ms. Adams entered the hospital for a fracture of her vertebrae, where after initial treatment, she was told that she would require in-patient rehabilitation to regain mobility and function. Upon recommendation by the hospital social worker, Ms. Adams selected The Grand Pavilion as the place to help her regain those skills. Ms. Adam’s primary goal for her stay at The Grand Pavilion was to be able to return to living safely at home, where she was previously living.

Within 24 hours of arrival at The Grand Pavilion, Ms. Lynch was greeted by many staff members from various departments, including nursing, physicians, therapists, and dieticians. Her physical therapists, Michael and Peter, and her occupational therapist, Katelyn, worked together to develop a comprehensive therapy plan that would allow her to meet her goals. Ms. Adams arrived at The Grand Pavilion requiring maximum assistance with most of her Activities of Daily Living (ADLs), such as bathing and dressing, and minimum assistance with most mobility-related activities.

At the beginning of her stay, Ms. Adams was unable to bear weight while standing. After one week at The Grand Pavilion, Ms. Adams was able to weight bear for close to two minutes. Her bed mobility increased, as well as her ability to ambulate with proper form. Ms. Adams’ ability to tolerate ADLs without significant exertion is more than doubled, increasing from 3-5 minutes at baseline to more than 10 minutes a week later. The assistance she required with performing ADLs decreased from maximum assistance to minimum assistance.

During her second week, Ms. Adams continued to make measurable, steady progress, and the team at The Grand Pavilion determined that she would be able to return home safely. On September 21st, just shy of three weeks at The Grand Pavilion, Ms. Adams happily returned home. The social work department at The Grand Pavilion arranged for Ms. Adams to receive follow-up support services from Royal Home Care to aid her transition back home. Upon discharge, Ms. Adams stated that she was thrilled with her stay here in the community and that she would be leaving a positive review about her time here.

The team at The Grand Pavilion is thrilled that Ms. Adams made such significant progress during her stay here and wishes her a happy and healthy remainder of 2021.


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Case Study II: The Grand Pavilion for Rehabilitation & Nursing (August 2021)

Director Of Concierge: Jordan Soban
Date of Admission: August 2nd, 2021
Admitted from: NYU Langone
Date of Discharge: August 20th, 2021
Reason for Admission: Motor Vehicle Accident Injuries

Details of Experience:
On August 2nd, 2021, Ms. Ronda Lynch arrived at The Grand Pavilion for Rehabilitation and Nursing in Rockville Centre from NYU Langone – Long Island inpatient hospital. Ms. Lynch had been a passenger on an “Able Ride” bus when the bus hit a large pothole that caused her to become airborne for a moment. Upon landing, Ms. Lynch immediately noticed pervasive numbness below the waist. She was hospitalized for this numbness, during which it was discovered that she had sustained a compression fracture to the L1 vertebrae. After regaining feeling in her lower extremities, Ms. Lynch was informed that she would require inpatient rehabilitation to assist in regaining functional mobility and the ability to participate in activities of daily living (ADLs). After careful consideration by both Ms. Lynch and her son, The Grand Pavilion for Rehabilitation and Nursing was selected to provide the care that Ms. Lynch would require to get back on her feet.

Within 24 hours of arrival at The Grand Pavilion, Ms. Lynch was greeted by a wide array of staff members from various departments, including nursing, physicians, therapists, and dieticians. When speaking with the Director of Concierge Services, Jordan Sobon, Ms. Lynch disclosed that she was eager to begin the therapy process to return home and resume her daily life. Her physical therapist, Michael, and her occupational therapist, Christine, developed a list of goals for her stay here. Ms. Lynch arrived at the Grand Pavilion as a minimum assist with bed mobility, limited ambulation, and a maximum assist with many activities of daily living (ADLs).

Within one week of Ms. Lynch’s stay, she graduated from a minimum assist with bed mobility. She transferred to a caution guard assist, making significant progress in regaining her functional mobility. Upon admission, Ms. Lynch was only able to walk 150 feet with minimum assistance. After one week of working with her physical therapist, she was able to walk 200 feet with only a caution guard assist. Within one week, Ms. Lynch made significant improvements on the occupational therapy side, no longer requiring the maximum amount of assistance with her ADLs, such as bathing and dressing.

During her second week at the Grand Pavilion, Ms. Lynch continued to make significant physical and occupational therapy progress. She now required only minimum or no assistance with daily tasks, such as bathing or dressing, and safely completed bed mobility tasks with only supervision. Ms. Lynch was able to walk independently, more than double the distance than when she arrived at The Grand Pavilion. Given her significant progress, the team at The Grand Pavilion determined that she would now be able to return home safely.

On August 20th, just shy of three weeks at The Grand Pavilion, Ms. Lynch happily returned home. The social work department at The Grand Pavilion arranged for Ms. Lynch to receive follow-up support services from Royal Home Care to aid in her transition back home.

The team at The Grand Pavilion is thrilled that Ms. Lynch made such significant progress during her stay here and wishes her a happy and healthy remainder of 2021.


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Case Study: The Grand Pavilion for Rehabilitation & Nursing (August 2021)

Director Concierge: David Hersko
Patients Age: 84
Admission Date: 07/23/21
Admitted From: Mercy Medical Center (MMC)
Discharge Date: 08/26/21
Discharged To: Home
Length of Stay: 1 Month
Reason for Stay: Fracture of her right Femur
How did this patient hear about The Grand Pavilion? The family did research.

Details of Experience:
Mrs. R Johnson was admitted to The Grand Pavilion for Rehabilitation and Nursing on July 23rd, 2021, as she had difficulty walking due to a fall and needed intense rehabilitation therapy. Mrs. Johnson presented to The Grand Pavilion with a fracture diagnosis on her right Femur (upper bone of the leg) due to her fall and generalized muscle weakness.

Upon admission to The Grand Pavilion, Mrs. Johnson was greeted by our community’s staff, assessed, and made comfortable. Therapy spent a great deal of time discussing her treatment goals and plans to get her back on her feet and a return to her normal activities of daily living (ADL).

Mrs. Johnson also had a decrease in leisure task participation and a decrease in her independent participation with functional activities of ADL tasks. She presented with impairments in balance, sensation, limitations, and/or participation, with restrictions in completing her self-care and general tasks and demands.

Therapy worked hard to assess her needs and developed a daily plan of therapy that enhanced, encouraged, and promoted skilled physical and occupational therapy services. The Therapists evaluated and supported her recovery of safety awareness, improved dynamic balance, increased functional activity tolerance, and increased body strength. They helped minimize her fall risks and decreased her complaints of pain while enhancing her quality of life. Motivated and determined, Mrs. Johnson worked fiercely with the therapy team in reaching her target goals of recovery and success.

During her stay at The Grand Pavilion, she also provided great compliments regarding the welcome she received and the care, support, and encouragement the Grand Pavilion staff provided, especially our amazing rehab team.

As she made consistent progress throughout her treatment and care, Mrs. Johnson was able to ambulate safely and was able to discharge successfully from The Grand Pavilion on 08/26/2021 to her loving and supportive family and ranked the community a 10/10.

The Grand Pavilion staff sends well wishes and continued health prayers for Mrs. Johnson and is proud of the goals that she reached and conquered.


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Case Study: The Grand Pavilion for Rehabilitation & Nursing (July 2021)

Director Concierge: David Hersko
Patients Age: 91 years old
Admission Date: 06/24/2021
Admitted From: North Shore University Hospital
Discharge Date: 08/04/2021
Discharged To: ALF ( Assisted living facility)
Length of Stay: 6 weeks
Reason for Stay: Left Pelvic Fracture, due to fall.
How did this patient hear about The Grand Pavilion for Rehabilitation & Nursing? The SW at the hospital highly recommended us

Details of Experience:
Due to a fall, Mrs. Frieda Montelione was admitted to NSUH on Tuesday, June 22, 2021, and fractured her left Pelvic. The patient mentioned she tried to pick up a vitamin from the floor and fell. She was then admitted to The Grand Pavilion on Thursday, June 24. Upon her arrival to The Grand Pavilion, Mrs. Montelione was welcomed and made comfortable by members of The Grand Pavilion, including the concierge, nursing, rehab, and social work teams.

The patient was greeted and evaluated by the dedicated therapy team, where it was determined that Mrs. Montelione was in need of intense physical and occupational therapy. Due to her fall, the patient had decreased performance with ADLs (activities of daily living). Mrs.Montelione presented with decreased ROM (range of motion exercise,) decreased strength, decreased endurance, impaired functional mobility. It was the staff’s pleasure to work alongside this determined, self-motivated patient who strived to reach her goals, all this with the support of her loving family.

 As she worked very hard to reach her goals, it was to no one’s surprise that she was enjoying great progress. After a short time working consistently with her therapists, she is able to ambulate independently, as a sign of progress; the therapist’s discontinued the use of her wheelchair and provided her with a rolling walker to ambulate.

 As Mrs. Montelione worked diligently, it was wonderful to share her progress. The patient rated us a 10/10 and very much appreciated all the staff that cared for her and went out of her way to thank the Nurses and Aides for always going above and beyond, and taking care of her, and for always looking out for her. She then went on and thanked the therapists, Michael and Miriam, for working so well with her. Mrs. Montelione stated, “Miriam is a sweetheart.” The Grand Pavilion is delighted that she returned home safely on August 4. 

The Grand Pavilion team sends well wishes and continued health prayers for Mrs. Frieda Montelione. She is proud of the challenges she conquered and her goals.


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Case Study: The Grand Pavilion for Rehabilitation & Nursing (June 2021)

Director Concierge: David Hersko
Patients Age: 86 years old
Admission Date: 4/21/21
Admitted From: Mercy Medical Center
Discharge Date: 6/22/21
Discharged To: Home
Length of Stay: 2 months
Reason for Stay: The patient had a fall that caused lower back pain.
How did this patient hear about The Grand Pavilion for Rehabilitation & Nursing? Mrs. Frances’ friend highly recommended The Grand Pavilion.

Details of Experience:
Mrs. J Frances was admitted to Mercy Medical Center on April 11th, 2021, due to a fall at her daughter’s home, leading to lower back pain. She was then admitted to The Grand Pavilion on April 21st. Upon her arrival to The Grand Pavilion, Mrs. Frances was welcomed and made comfortable by our team members: including the concierge, nursing, rehab, and social work teams. To ensure an easy transition into the community, the Recreation team ensured that the patient’s family could visit her virtually at the time of admission.

The dedicated therapy team greeted and evaluated the patient, determining that Mrs. Frances needed intense physical and occupational therapy. Due to her fall, the patient had decreased performance with ADLs (activities of daily living). Mrs. Frances presented with impaired balance, decreased strength, decreased functional activity tolerance and endurance, and lower back pain, limiting her ability to stand for prolonged periods. It was the staff’s pleasure to work alongside this determined, self-motivated patient who strived to reach her goals, all the while always showing a smile on her face. 

As she worked very hard to reach her goals, it was no surprise that she enjoyed great progress. After a short time working consistently with her therapists, she could ambulate 200 ft. with assistance. When asked by the Concierge during her discharge how she always has a smile, she states, “Whatever God has in plan for me I always smile, because even though it may not look so, it can be worse, so I am always thankful.”   

As Mrs. Frances worked diligently, it was wonderful to share in her progress. Mrs. Frances rated us a 10/10 and very much appreciated all the staff that cared for her and went out of her way to thank the Nurses Aides for always going above and beyond, taking care of her needs, and making her feel comfortable. The Grand Pavilion is delighted that she returned home safely to her family on June 22nd of 2021.

The Grand Pavilion team sends well wishes and continued health prayers for Mrs. Frances.


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Case Study: The Grand Pavilion for Rehabilitation & Nursing (May 2021)

Director Concierge: David Hersko
Patients Age: 84 years old
Admission Date: 4/9/21
Admitted From: SNF (Skilled Nursing Facility)
Discharge Date: 5/25/21
Discharged To: Home
Length of Stay: 46 days
Reason for Stay: The patient had a fall in his private residence.
How did this patient hear about The Grand Pavilion for Rehabilitation & Nursing? Mr. Anthony Carroll was in The Grand Pavilion back in 2020 and was delighted to come back to us.

Details of Experience:
Mr. Anthony Carroll was admitted to The Grand Pavilion on April 9 for rehabilitation due to a fall at his residence. Upon his arrival to the Grand Pavilion, Mr. Carroll was welcomed and made comfortable by our team members, including Concierge, Nursing, Rehab, and Social Work. The patient was greeted and evaluated by our dedicated therapy team, where it was determined that Mr. Carroll was in need of intense physical and occupational therapy. Due to his fall, he was diagnosed with generalized weakness, balance deficits, reduced exercise tolerance, and decreased exercise endurance. These limitations were causing difficulty with ADL’s including bed mobility, transfers, and ambulation. (Activities of daily living.) 

It is the staff’s pleasure to work alongside this determined patient, who strived to reach his goals. As he worked very hard to achieve those goals, it was to no one’s surprise that he is able to ambulate 350 feet independently. Mr. Carroll appreciated all the staff that cared for him during his stay. When asked during his Concierge evaluation on his experience at The Grand Pavilion, he stated, “They made me feel very comfortable during my stay, my Therapists were amazing, and they are very confident with the work they do.”  

Mr. Carroll left us a beautiful FIVE-star Google review and would highly recommend us to anyone who needs Rehab services.  The Grand Pavilion is delighted that he returned home safely to his family on May 25 of 2021. 

The Grand Pavilion team sends well wishes and continued health prayers for Mr. Carroll. He is proud of the challenges he conquered and his goals.


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